Hopefully everyone has received issue 39 of YBR! and are enjoying it as much as we hope they will! It was a real labour of love producing it (as have all the issues been) but we were blown away by the number of people who were involved in it.
The final subscription payments for YBR! subscribers will be coming out today or tomorrow. As they do we will cancel the subscriptions to avoid any further payments.
It was a task we started this morning, and hopefully all will be done by the end of play tomorrow. It all felt quite sad and final with each push of the button to 'cancel', a lot of the names have been with us throughout the Home Tied/YBR! journey, sharing the occasional email, or chat when we sold the fanzine outside the ground for a brief period, or contributing, becoming part of the creative process. Some are just names, but are a lot more than that, because over those five seasons we have become a community.
Without throwing light upon the magic, YBR! never had more than a couple of hundred subscribers at the best of times. Financially it sailed close to the wind, our often over-exuberant whims sometimes produced loss-making issues, but money wasn't what we were about. This created a shifting way we did things, but you stuck with us throughout, going with price changes, subscription models, and ultimately the most confusing pricing structure known to man or woman when we went bi-monthly!
We published during an interesting time at Vicarage Road, over those five seasons we only started once in the same league as we were the previous May, yet we never traded in moaning or rhetoric, never blamed or condemned, although we did quite a bit of praising and basking in the warm glow of nostalgia.
This isn't an end, both Colin and Nick are still heavily involved in the Treasury, the contributors that made YBR! so special are welcome to come aboard too. There will no doubt be future Treasury projects we're all involved in. The YBR! facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/375170650428755 will be a place where like-minded souls can share and enjoy what interests us. And we still all have that football club of ours.
At this point it just seems a good place to say a massive thank you, but not good bye.