For the final time, the 'print' button was pushed and YBR! 39 went off to become a lovely tangible tactile thing.
Featuring 120 pages, with 30 articles, written by 18 different writers, it really is a triumph and a fitting conclusion to what has been a wonderful journey.
Subscribers, please note that we will be cancelling all subscription payments after your final payment has been taken out around the middle of this month.
We will be keeping the YBR! Facebook group running, as well as cropping up in The Watford Treasury, something that hopefully YBR! contributors will consider venting their creative urges within. Also look out on the pages of this site for updates and features, as well as the articles posted for your enjoyment. So this isn't good bye.
If you're late to the party, issues can be ordered separately though The Watford Treasury website, believe me, there's lots to enjoy within those pages!